Don't buy stuff,EXPERIENCE life

Collection of Experiences

Hedoniac community is building the first world’s collection of life experiences.
A FREE library of once-in-a-life emotionally impactful experiences for everyone to consult, enjoy and be inspired from.

We aim to give everyone guidance and practical application of Rational Hedonism principles.We believe that by directly experiencing all the beauty LIFE can offer, you will become the change we wanna see in the world.

Hedoniac is for you IF you:

  • look for a collection of qualitative life experiences to inspire you
  • prefer to invest on experiences rather than on objects
  • want to actively challenge and sculpt your life
  • want to actively pursue your happiness
  • reject the "american dream"
  • embrace the unknown
  • are a freedom seeker

Hedoniac is NOT for you IF you:

  • look for a sect, cult or religion
  • look for a political movement to join
  • look for a quick happiness recipe or guidebook
  • look for commercial (tripadvisor-like) experiences
  • look for a quantitative-driven DB of user-generated experiences
  • like being narrow minded, lazy or enjoying life as a viewer or spectator

This is what we consider to be an experience:


We want each experience to be universally replicable regardless of your status, age, sex, race, wealth, personality, physical condition, etc.


We mainly consider an experience if it’s actively involving you into an action, being this physical, sensorial, mental, creative or relational.


We broadly define an experience something that has some sort of psychological, relational or physical impact on you. E.g. memories creation, bodily sensations, emotions,…


We want to mainly focus on creating a collection of experiences with instant gratification and, possibly, without initial preparation.


Hedoniac mainly focuses on outside-the-box experiences. Generally, we want to stay away from well-known, ordinary and “commercial” experiences.


We want each experience to be independent from location, event and time-frame. We want them to be replicable by anyone in any part of the globe at any time.

Ready to move your first steps towards a more active and rich-of-experiences life?